A Brief Analysis of the Reasons for the Lack of Short-term Financial Products in Hong Kong, China


  • Xinyi Guo Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, College of Economic and Management, 201209, China Author
  • Sifan Wang City University of Hong Kong, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, 999077, China Author




Short-term financial products, Supply and demand, Technology and finance


In mainland China, short-term financial products such as Yu 'e Bao, Changtong,Chaochaobao, stock funds, index funds, hybrid funds, and pure debt funds are favored by the public. But in Hong Kong, the world's third largest financial center, short-term financial products have disappeared. This paper analyzes the reasons for the lack of short-term financial products in Hong Kong from internal reasons such as fund companies,products and target customers and external reasons such as economy, law and science and technology through the methods of comparison, example and literature research, etc., and the theory of supply and demand. This paper also puts forward suggestions for the future development of financial products in Hong Kong and Mainland China.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Guo, X., & Wang, S. (2024). A Brief Analysis of the Reasons for the Lack of Short-term Financial Products in Hong Kong, China. Financial Economics Research, 1(2), 62-72. https://doi.org/10.70267/fer2401026272