An Analytical Model of the Effect of Sibling Relationships on Children's Socio-Emotional Competence: Based on the OECD Six-Dimensional Framework

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Yating Fan
Wanying Zhang
Gaodong Duan


sibling relationships, socioemotional competence, parenting strategies, OECD framework


To explore the complex relationship between the four dimensions of sibling relationships and the six-dimensional framework of socioemotional competence, including its subdimensions, a comprehensive and meticulous study was carried out. Socioemotional competence is one of the fundamental core literacies for young people in the new era and a driving factor in shaping life achievements. With the steady implementation of the three-child policy, the family structure is undergoing profound changes, and the number of multichild families is increasing daily. Against this backdrop, the significance of sibling relationships has become increasingly prominent. During the study, a wealth of existing information and data was sifted through and deeply analysed within the context of the OECD multidimensional framework. Ultimately, the study constructed a detailed analytical model of the effects of the subdimensions of sibling relationships on the subdimensions of socioemotional competence and arrived at specific and feasible parenting strategies to address sibling relationships: 1) sibling warmth should be promoted; 2) sibling conflict should be correctly navigated; 3) benign sibling rivalry should be facilitated; and 4) reciprocal interactions of equal rights of siblings should be fostered. This study not only has significant practical implications for promoting the holistic development of individuals, optimizing family parenting arrangements, and fostering harmonious social progress but also enriches the theoretical framework of socioemotional competence, offering new perspectives and a foundation for future research on multichild families.

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